
Under the conditions of the Kaliningrad region, without the use of fertilizers and fungicides, a yield of 32.2 centners / ha of spelled Alcoran and 27.8 centners / ha of naked spelled Gramme 2U was ensured. Using the methods of biological, washout and centrifugation, Berman, ELISA, the authors studied the phytopathological, qualitative and physicochemical state. According to the results of the comprehensive assessment, it was found that spelled is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to soil conditions, cultivation technology, and nitrogen nutrition. Spelled grains of the Alcoran variety are covered with spikelet scales, which protects the grain from the harmful effects of the environment, insects and pathogenic organisms. The difference between filmy spelled and naked spelled in the degree of infection with the fungus Fusarium sp. Was established. and Alternaria sp. Considering the bare-grain spelled of the Gramme variety, the Fusarium infestation turned out to be 2 times higher than the filmy spelled of the Alcoran variety.

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