
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an important part for design of IoT. In IoT layered architecture WSN is present at the perception layer where the sensors sense the objects, gathers the data and send them to the base station. Intelligent WSN routing is necessary in IoT to improve the QoS of the underlying network. Sensor node's energy is vital for effective data transmission in IoT enabled sensor network to avoid data packet loss, fast energy reduction. These factors lead to diminution of node performance and surge the delay rate in packet delivery. In our proposed model Quality of Service (QoS) Enhancement of IoT based Wireless Sensor Network Using Fuzzy Best First Search Approach (QIWFB), where k number of clusters are formed using k-mean clustering. Each cluster a Cluster Head (CH) is selected using Mamdani fuzzy inference system. Each member node of a cluster sends data packets to its CH node. Then CH node send data packets to sink node via another CH node using best first search algorithm. The heuristic search algorithm finds the shortest route from source cluster CH node to the sink node. The paper concludes by stating that the proposed model outperforms fuzzy based Dijkstra's algorithm and fuzzy based hierarchical Dijkstra algorithm in terms of time complexity, no. of alive nodes, packet delivery time and energy consumption.

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