
Abstract The aim of the research was to assess the quality of milk from mountain sheep used for the production of traditional cheeses, taking into account the influence of the breed, the month of milking, and the content of somatic cells. Milk for the study was obtained from sheep of three mountain breeds: Podhale Zackel (PZ), Polish Mountain Sheep (PMS), and Coloured Mountain Sheep (CMS). The sheep were grazed in mountain pastures after lamb weaning, in the period from May to October in the traditional system. No influence of the breed on the examined parameters was found, except for urea content. Mountain sheep milk was characterized by a content of 19.68% solids, 8.48% fat, 6.63% protein, in which almost 76% was formed by casein (4.99%), and the average lactose content was 4.15%. Other milk parameters also did not differ between breeds: density was 1034.04 g/L, acidity 11.34°SH, and mean somatic cell content was 982.13∙103∙ml−1 (log10SCC = 5.68). The highest urea content was recorded in the milk of Coloured Mountain Sheep (280.69 mg/L) and the lowest urea content was recorded in the milk of Zackel sheep (200.97 mg/L). The month of milking influenced the content of most milk components, but no changes in SCC content during lactation were found. Significant correlations between fat content and other milk parameters were recorded. In the case of urea content, negative, statistically significant correlations with the majority of examined parameters were found.

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