
Introduction The scientific worldview cannot give meaning in itself to our lives and it cannot resolve the ethical questions surrounding sustainability issues. The scientific ‘facts’ about the world, important and accurate as they may be, have to be complemented with what people value and believe. It is time to have a look at the more subjective, personal side of the quest for sustainable development. Are there empirical data and theoretical concepts about the subjective side of sustainability? Previously I have stated that sustainable development is about quality of life . But what is quality of life – are we merely shifting the problem? Sustainable development is to act here and now in such a way that the conditions for a (decent/high) quality of life elsewhere and later are not eroded. But for whom and for how long? Throughout history, individuals have struggled to realise their idea of ‘the good life’, by exploiting environmental opportunities and cooperating with and oppressing others. Since the dawn of civilisation philosophers have reflected on what ‘the good life’ entails. What can we learn from them?

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