
The aim of this study was to compare the perception of the parents about the quality of life of children and adolescents with and without difficulties of nasal route use. The Protocols of Quality of Life of Oral Breathing Children and MBGR (subitems Clinical History and Breathing) were applied to 64 families with and without complaints about mouth breathing. The sample consisted of subjects aged between five and sixteen years old and was divided into two groups: Control Group (CG - 32 subjects, average age 9.78 ± 2.71), with the possibility of nasal route use with time equal or less than two minutes and Experimental Group (GE - 32 subjects, average age: 9.59 years), with the possibility of nasal use for less than two minutes. The possibility of the nasal use was evaluated with the use of a timer, requiring the maintenance of a small amount of water in the mouth for, at least, two minutes. If the subject remained unquiet or swallowed before the stipulated time, it was carried with retest for two more attempts, to ensure the obtained results. ANOVA test was applied, considering p value of 5% was. There were no significant statistically differences between the studied groups (p>0,05). It can be concluded that despite the complaints related to the breathing mode of children and adolescents with familiar complaints about mouth breathing, these do not seem to have interfered directly in the quality of life, according to the Protocol used.


  • The sample consisted of subjects aged between five and sixteen years old and was divided into two groups: Control Group (CG - 32 subjects, average age 9.78 ± 2.71), with the possibility of nasal route use with time equal or less than two minutes and Experimental Group (GE - 32 subjects, average age: 9.59 years), with the possibility of nasal use for less than two minutes

  • No significant statistically differences were found between the Control and the Experimental Groups for any of the domains evaluated by the Quality of life Protocol used (p> 0.05 for all domains, Figure 1)

  • Several instruments created to evaluate the quality of life of children have been validated for Brazilian Portuguese, as the Autoquestionnaire Qualité de Vie Enfant Imagé (AUQEI), the Child Health Questionnaire - Parent Form 50 (CHQPF50), the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQ TM) version 4.0 and the Kidscreen-52, but some protocols do not include all childhood ages or do not have domains considered relevant in the children's context today, requiring adjustments to the existing instruments or validation of others (SOUZA et al, 2014)

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It can be seen that there is a consensus in literature in stating that the impact of respiratory diseases such as asthma and allergic rhinitis and the alteration in the breathing mode (mouth) affect directly the quality of life of the affected subject, both by breathing alteration and by losses in other domains of life, such as behavior and functional and physical aspects (CAMPANHA; FREIRE; FONTES, 2008), few Quality of Life Protocols (QoL) have been developed to measure whether exist or not such impairment to mouth breathers. There are QoL protocols to evaluate the impact on obstructive sleep apnea, as well as the Obstructive Sleep Apnea, the OSA-18 (SILVA; MILK, 2006) and Pittsburgh (Bertolazi, 2008), with asthma (PAQLQ-A) of La Scala; Naspitz; Solé (2005) and the Questionnaire of Evaluation of the Quality of life in children with the adenoids and palatines tonsils enlarged, developed by Serres et al (2002), adapted and validated by Di Francesco et al (2004).

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