
To compare the improvements in quality of life of patients with pelvic organ prolapse (POP) treated using various surgical methods. The PUBMED, MEDLINE and Cochrane Library online databases were searched using the keywords "pelvic organ prolapse", "surgery", "PFDI-20" and "PFIQ-7" for articles published from January 2010 to December 2022 that included quality-of-life scores before and after surgery. Forty-nine articles were include. The mean postoperative PFDI-20 and PFIQ-7 scores decreased by 67.50% and 76.98%, respectively, compared with those before surgery. In 76.9% of patients, this change did not decrease with increased postoperative time. The improvement rate in PFDI-20 scores after colpocleisis did not differ statistically from that after sacrocolpopexy and was significantly higher than that after other procedures. The improvement rate in PFIQ-7 scores after colpocleisis did not statistically differ from that after high uterosacral ligament suspension and was significantly higher than that after other procedures. The improvement rate in PFDI-20 scores after transvaginal mesh-based repair (TVM) did not significantly differ from that after sacrospinous ligament fixation and was significantly lower than that after other procedures except traditional vaginal wall repair. The improvement rate in PFIQ-7 scores after TVM did not significantly differ from that after new procedures and was significantly lower than that after other procedures. Surgical treatment can significantly improve the quality of life of patients with POP. Colpocleisis may offer more advantages than those of other surgical procedures, and improvement was lower after TVM than after other procedures.

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