
The diagnosis of diabetes and its subsequent management is likely to have a major impact on people's lives, in terms of both physical and psychological well-bei ng. Attainment of satisfactory d iabetic control (which is regarded as fundamental to the minimisalion of the tissue damage that occurs wi th increasi ng duration of disease) is more likely \0 be achieved where the interdependence between physical and psychological w ell-being is aCknowledged. Recognition of this interdependence has led t o a number of attempts to assess psycho logica l well-being or quali ty of life in patients with diabetes. and t hese measures are increasingly acknowledged t o pl ay an integral role in evaluations of cha nges in treatments and clinical trials. The purposes of this anicle are to review the state of the art in development of such quality-of-life scales and to assess their potential value i n research and clinical practice.

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