
Abstract Introduction. The aim of the study was to determine the quality of life of students of a University of the Third Age (U3A) and examine its correlations with demographic variables, physical fitness, perception ability, and emotional well-being. Material and methods. The study involved 116 women aged 50 to 88 years who participated in U3A classes held at the University of Physical Education in Warsaw. Quality of life was assessed using an abridged version of the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. Additionally the Fullerton Functional Fitness Test, a dynamometer hand grip strength test, and Romberg’s test were performed. The Attention and Perceptiveness Test (version 6/9) by Ciechanowicz and Stańczak, the UMACL Mood Adjective Checklist by Matthews, Chamberlain, and Jones, as well as the Geriatric Depression Scale by Yesavage were also used. Finally, data concerning age, marital status, economic status, chronic diseases, and medication use was collected with a specially designed questionnaire. Results. The U3A students who took part in the study perceived their quality of life as relatively high. The domain of quality of life which was found to be the most strongly correlated with demographic variables was the psychological health domain: scores in this domain decreased with the subjects’ age and increased with their level of education and economic status. Health satisfaction was directly proportional to economic status and inversely proportional to the level of education. Depression scores correlated significantly negatively with quality of life scores in all domains, the overall perception of quality of life, and health satisfaction, as well as predicting quality of life in the domains of psychological health and the environment. The predictors of the subjects’ perceived quality of life were the following: lower body strength, agility, flexibility, and aerobic endurance. Conclusions. The findings of the study confirm that demographic variables (age, education, and economic status), depression and mood, as well as physical fitness are important predictors of quality of life in women in late adulthood.

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