
Background: A child born into family is usually received with joy and considered a blessing but when the child is intellectual disability then blessing is clearly mixed. Acceptance of child with intellectual disability becomes difficult to parents along with family particularly when competence and achievement are very much valued in modern world. A parent shows a series of reactions shock, denial, guilt, sorrow, rejection and acceptance after knowing that their child is intellectual disabled. This study is based on quality of life and family burden among parents of children with intellectual disability and it is gender-based study. Aim: To study the gender differences in term of Quality of Life and Family Burden among parents of children with intellectual disability. Methods and Material: It is cross sectional study conducted at Mathura, Uttar Pradesh. Samples were recruited through purposive sampling technique. Semistructured interview schedule was developing to assess the demographics profile, Quality of life scales and family burden schedule were administered on parents of children with ID. Results and Conclusion: Finding of this study showed that mother of children with intellectual disability have poor Quality of Life and high level of burden in comparison to the father of children with intellectual disability.

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