
This study aimed to present normative data of Quality of life (QoL) and to evaluate the relationship between sociodemographic factors, multidimensional QoL and depression. A questionnaire including the Short Form-12 (SF-12) for physical and mental health-related QOL (HRQOL), the McGill Quality of Life questionnaire (MQOL) for existential well-being and social support-related QOL, and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) for depressive symptoms was designed and administered to 1200 Korean participants as part of a population-based survey. The MQOL of the entire and female population decreased notably with age (p $3000 reported a better mental HRQOL (aOR = 1.42 and 1.38). Those who were educated at higher than college level or were religious reported a worse mental HRQOL (aOR = 0.70 and 0.69). Unlike QOL measured by the SF-12, MQOL was lower among women (aOR = 0.77) and participants who were divorced or separated (aOR = 0.23 for existential well-being and 0.40 for social support). Participants who were educated at higher than college level (aOR = 1.51) and those living in a city/country reported a better MQOL (aOR = 1.50 for existential well-being and 1.60 for social support). Among the QOL scores that were significantly related to depression, existential well-being-related QOL had the highest aOR (aOR = 38.15), followed by physical HRQOL score (aOR = 4.52). Further consideration is needed to raise awareness of the need for evaluating multidimensional QOL in the general population.

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