
According to Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN) (17 Dec. 2020)- there are 19.3 million new cancer cases and almost 10 million deaths. Worldwide according to Global cancer statistics; 2018 head and neck cancer accounts for more than 6, 50,000 cases and 3, 3,000 deaths annually. According to Indian Council of Medical Research, ICMR (2020) there were about 13.9 lakhs cancer cases, which is likely to increase to 15.7 lakhs by 2025, based on current trends. According to ICMR- National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research NCDIR (2020) the number of cancer cases in the northeast was 50,317 (27,503 in males and 22,814 in females) and is estimated set to increase to 57,131 by 2025 (13.5%). According to a report from National Cancer Registry Programme, India (2020); the majority of the patients for head and neck cancer patients were estimated to be 66.6%. Cancer is a one of the major public health problem both in developed and developing countries around the globe. Quality-Of-Life (QOL) of a cancer patient before and after the treatment is an important issue especially for the cancer survivors, their families, and the care providers. Aim:The aim of the study was to assess the quality of life among cancer patients in selected hospitals, Guwahati, Assam. Methods and materials: A quantitative descriptive study was conducted to identify the quality of life among cancer patients in selected hospitals, Guwahati, in order to accomplish the objectives of the study. Purposive sampling technique was used for obtaining the adequate sample for the study. The conceptual framework used in the study was based on ferrans and powers quality of life mode. Study was undertaken on 100 head and neck cancer patients in selected hospitals of Guwahati, Assam. Participants were selected on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Quality Of Life was assessed by distributing the structured tool to the respondent. Results: Data analysis was done by calculating mean, SD and chi-square test. It was found that out of 100 respondents majority 62 (62%) of the respondents were in the age groups above 50 years, 62 (62%) of the respondents were in the age groups above 50 years, 71 (71%) of the respondents were male, 64 (64%) of the respondents were married, 38 (38%) of the respondents had monthly income Rs 10,002- Rs 29,972, 65 (65%) of the respondents belongs to joint family, 56 (56%) of the respondents were Hindu, 60 (60%) of the respondents completed primary school, 39 (39%) of the respondents were diagnosed with Ca oral, 34 (34%) of the respondents were in stage 3, 53 (53%) of the respondents had a duration of >5 years, 48 (48%) of the respondents had undergone chemotherapy. In assessing the Quality Of Life it reveals that out of 100 respondents, majority i.e. 76 (76%) of respondents had average Quality Of Life .The demographic variables marital status, average monthly family income, staging of disease and duration of illness had shown statistically signicant association with level of Quality Of Life. The QOLDemographic Variables age, gender, type of family, religion, education, diagnosis and type of treatment had not shown statistically signicant association with level of quality of life among cancer patients. Conclusion:Through this study, the investigator concluded that majority of the head and neck cancer patients had average Quality Of Life.

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