
It has long been assumed that the mucosa in areas of grossly 'healed' gastric or duodenal ulcers returns to normal, either spontaneously or after treatment. This assumption is based almost entirely upon visual, superficial examination by endoscopy. Few, if any, histological and ultrastructural studies examined the deeper mucosa in the areas of grossly healed ulcers. In several experimental studies, we analysed the development, evolution, and healing of acetic acid-induced gastric ulcers in rats and assessed the histological and ultrastructural features (structure and cellular composition) of the gastric mucosa in areas of grossly healed ulcers. The gastric mucosa of grossly 'healed' ulcers showed re-epithelialization of the mucosal surface at every study interval (2 weeks, 2, 3, and 4 months), but the subepithelial mucosa displayed prominent abnormalities. Two patterns of scarring were distinguished: (a) the mucosa in the area of healed ulcer was thinner (25-45% thinner than normal mucosa) with increased connective tissue and poor differentiation and/or degenerative changes in the glandular cells; and (b) the mucosa displayed a marked dilation of gastric glands with poor differentiation of the glandular cells and a reduction in the supportive microvascular network. It is theorized that these abnormalities could interfere with oxygenation, nutrient supply, and mucosal resistance and defence; therefore, they could be a basis for ulcer recurrence. These observations indicate that the quality of mucosal structural restoration rather than the speed of ulcer healing is the most important factor in determining risk of ulcer recurrence. The clinical relevance of these findings is supported by a preliminary study in which marked histological abnormalities were found in the subepithelial mucosa in patients with 'healed' duodenal ulcers.

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