
Video sharing on social clouds is popular among the users around the world. High-Definition (HD) videos have big file size so the storing in cloud storage and streaming of videos with high quality from cloud to the client are a big problem for service providers. Social clouds compress the videos to save storage and stream over slow networks to provide quality of service (QoS). Compression of video decreases the quality compared to original video and parameters are changed during the online play as well as after download. Degradation of video quality due to compression decreases the quality of experience (QoE) level of end users. To assess the QoE of video compression, we conducted subjective (QoE) experiments by uploading, sharing, and playing videos from social clouds. Three popular social clouds, Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter, were selected to upload and play videos online for users. The QoE was recorded by using questionnaire given to users to provide their experience about the video quality they perceive. Results show that Facebook and Twitter compressed HD videos more as compared to other clouds. However, Facebook gives a better quality of compressed videos compared to Twitter. Therefore, users assigned low ratings for Twitter for online video quality compared to Tumblr that provided high-quality online play of videos with less compression.


  • Nowadays, video posting and sharing are growing over the social clouds and users share their memories and events of life with friends around the world

  • The video clips named “Samsung UHD Demo” (2K = 1440 P), “Fearless-Daffy-Duck” (720 P), and “Motivate yourself ” (360 P) and Short wildlife video (240 P) were used for experiments during quality of experience (QoE) assessment of users for social clouds, which were downloaded from YouTube [18,19,20,21], and snapshots are given in Figures 1–4 with quality parameters

  • We conducted QoE test of video quality degradation due to compression hosted on social clouds in real-time environment

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Video posting and sharing are growing over the social clouds and users share their memories and events of life with friends around the world. Providing the QoS for video hosting is a challenge for social cloud service providers because HD videos take more time to load into a webpage and the high data size of the video consumes more storage amount at cloud side and requires more network bandwidth to transfer from cloud to client. We used subjective QoE method to access user satisfication level for different social cloud service providers and solution provides the acceptable level of online streaming of compressed videos as compared to the original video. We repeat experiments with four videos that have different quality, 2K (1440 P), 720 P HD, 360 P, and 240 P, which were taken from YouTube and posted on Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter for the user to perceive online video to assign ratings and examine the characteristics and effect on the QoE of video quality.

Literature Review
QoE Assessment Design and Experiment
Results and Discussion
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