
In this research, based on the analysis of scientific sources and empirical material, the features and requirements for the quality of ground training of future tactical aviation pilots in an institution of higher military education are characterized. It is noted that the signs in the XXI century are digitalization, informatization and humanization of education, and the leading pedagogical tool is modern information technologies of teaching. The purpose of the article is to improve the quality management system of ground training of future tactical aviation pilots in an institution of Higher Military Education (SVVO) in the conditions of a modern educational space based on a competent model of training military specialists by means of digital and innovative pedagogical technologies; introduction into the practice of a higher military educational institution of tools for managing the quality of training military specialists. Methodology of the article: analysis of domestic and foreign philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature; abstraction and concretization to define the concept of mechanisms of higher military education in a modern educational space, systematization, generalization. Results: The management of the ground training system for combat flights of future tactical aviation pilots is updated by the lack of its disclosure by theorists of military pedagogical science. Practical implictions: influence on the quality of development of the military organization of the state. Value/origiality: Today in Ukraine there is no integral well-founded pedagogical system of ground training for combat flights of future military pilots as a result of insufficient scientific study of this problem in pedagogical theory as a whole.

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