
This article aims to describe the implementation of distance learning necessitates a quality management system for higher education. The method is qualitative, which can be explained by the reality of quality management in distance learning higher education. Literature related to quality management of distance learning in higher education, including problems and constraints of distance learning, management models in distance learning, distance learning systems approaches, roles in distance learning, online learning design components, and long-distance higher education quality assurance systems, serves as a data source. The results of the discussion can indicate actions for maintaining quality levels, such as (a) quality management, management so that there is still quality control for graduates who are expected to meet nationally accepted competency standards (quality control), and (b) higher education with distance learning is able to respond to any situation. Changes in learning include the development of distance education, and (c) distance education is the development of the concept of a cyber university or what is commonly known as distance learning in Indonesia.

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