
Methods. Scientific results are obtained through the use of such methods as description, abstraction and induction. With the help of the method of description, aspects of the evolution of quality management in the educational organization were revealed, in particular, attention was focused on the experience of higher education institutions in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Germany. With the help of the abstraction method, certain aspects of quality management in higher education institutions of Ukraine were singled out and a list of actions was proposed that will contribute to the optimization of certain processes within the framework of ISO 9001:2015. When applying the induction method, the authors made conclusions regarding the possibilities of significant optimization and improvement of the quality management system in higher education institutions of Ukraine. Results. The article investigates and analyzes the features and aspects of the functioning of the quality management system in institutions of higher education, proposes certain elements for implementation in the system of higher education that will contribute to the optimization and improvement of the functioning of processes within the framework of ISO 9001:2015. Novelty. This study revealed and demonstrated that within the framework of the higher education system of Ukraine there are certain characteristics that in one way or another negatively affect the functioning of the educational processes of higher education institutions of Ukraine. Therefore, we have created and proposed methods that can improve and optimize processes in higher education institutions. Practical value. This study can be important and useful for the management of higher education institutions in building an effective quality management system in higher education institutions, which can lead to higher education standards and, as a result, satisfaction of all interested parties.

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