
This study was carried out to determine the quality indicators of modified fats obtained by esterification of fatty acids with high molecular weight alcohols. An alternative to liquid vegetable oils can be frying fats obtained using a new technology, namely, esterification of fatty acids with high molecular weight alcohols, which helps to overcome the problem of thermal spoilage of fats. This method of modifying fats allows you to obtain a competitive product, and the specially selected molecular composition of this deep-frying fat allows you to increase the time and temperature of the product's operation and helps to avoid such undesirable effects as darkening and smoking of deep-fat. The purpose of this work is to study the physicochemical parameters of modified fats. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: determine the quality indicators of modified fats, namely: melting point, viscosity (kinematic and dynamic), density; to determine the antioxidant stability of modified frying fat in comparison with traditional frying fats. Determination of the oxidative stability of oils and fats was carried out in the "Rancimat" device, and is based on the accelerated oxidation of the sample at an elevated temperature in an air stream. Oxidation stability was determined at a temperature of 110 °C, according to the normative document GOST EN ISO 6886: 2019 “Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of oxidation stability (accelerated oxidation method)”. It was found that the melting point of modified fats qualifies them as culinary fats and raw materials for fatty products. It was found that the density of the obtained samples of esters is less than the density of traditional deep fat. It was revealed that all samples of ethers have a significantly lower kinematic viscosity compared to sunflower oil, which is often used as deep fat. Thus, during frying, the product will absorb less such frying fat, which will reduce the calorie content of the finished product. It was found that the loss of the product due to evaporation is from 3.46 to 11.38%. The antioxidant stability of ester samples is 3.4–6.8 times higher than that of sunflower oil, which will allow them to be effectively used as cooking (deep-frying) fats.


  • determine the quality indicators of modified fats obtained by esterification of fatty acids

  • which helps to overcome the problem of thermal spoilage of fats

  • The purpose of this work is to study the physicochemical parameters of modified fats

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This study was carried out to determine the quality indicators of modified fats obtained by esterification of fatty acids with high molecular weight alcohols. Для фритюрних жирів критеріями якості є: температура плавлення, в’язкість і окисна стабільність, всі ці показники і визначають подальшу якість продукції. Тому для фритюру бажано використовувати жири ненасиченого складу, з обмеженою кількістю поліненасичених жирних кислот. - визначити показники якості модифікованих жирів, а саме: температура плавлення, в’язкість (кінематична і динамічна), густину.

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