
An optimum drying routine for producing non-sulphited mango slices has been developed. The interaction of essential drying parameters (air temperature, air velocity, dew point, slice thickness and drying time) on water activity ( a W) and browning was determined. Microbiological stability of the dried product was achieved at a moisture content of 17% wet base (w.b.) corresponding to a W = 0.6. Browning was monitored by the red colour shade of the product (CIE-Lab chromaticity coordinate a*). Drying air temperature and drying time were shown to be the primary factors influencing product colour and a W. In contrast to common practice, drying for about 6 h at elevated air temperature (80 °C), instead of 50 or 60 °C for a longer time, was optimal, since significant colour changes of the mango slices were not observed even without the use of any chemical or thermal pre-treatment. Moreover, at increased temperature, drying time was considerably shortened from about 9 h to 6 h, resulting in significant extension of the drying capacity. Industrial Relevance The suggested process concept for dried mango slices based on high-temperature drying is of utmost significance for the international marketing of dried fruit products. Chemical pre-treatments such as sulphitation often used to minimise quality deficiencies could be avoided. Sulphitation has been recently under critical consideration with respect to allergen labelling of foodstuffs implemented by EU-Member States in November 2004 (Directive 2003/89/EC) [Directive 2003/89/EC. Official Journal of the European Union, 25.11.2003, pp. L308/15–18 ( http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/pri/en/oj/dat/2003/l_308/l_30820031125en00150018.pdf)]. Export quality was improved and the drying process simplified, improving the utilisation of drying capacities. Particularly referring to an application of the technology in small- and medium-sized enterprises with limited investment possibilities, the suggested novel drying procedure in mango processing aimed at the optimisation of well-established simple drying methods instead of choosing technically more sophisticated technologies.

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