
ABSTRACT Sweet cassava and guinea corn were processed into flour using two different drying methods (sun and oven) to produce unfermented enriched fufu. Experimental design from which ten blends were selected for analyzes, sample F (100% traditional processed fufu) and sample C (commercial market sample – semolina) were used as control. In-vitro starch digestibility, glycemic index/load, antioxidant potential, and sensory attributes were evaluated, analyzed and mean were separated using Duncan New Multiple Range (DNMR) test at p ≤ 0.05. In-vitro starch digestibility of the experimental samples were significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher than 8.91% obtained for sample F in both sun- and oven-dried samples. Results of the estimated glycemic index/load of the experimental samples showed that enriched fufu can be classified as low glycemic foods and are significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher than sample F (55%) and glucose (100%). The samples also had better ability to scavenge free radicals against DPPH and ABTS.

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