
Sustainable Development Goal Four (SDG 4) on education ensures inclusive and equitable quality education opportunities for all. United Nations (UN) member states had to adopt the SDGs protocol. Kenya, like any other country in Sub-Sahara Africa, domesticated the SDG. Consequently, this study investigated factors influencing students’ transition from day and boarding schools to University in Mutomo Sub-county, Kenya. The study was based on the system theory propounded by Scott (1987), who adopted a system perspective in analyzing organizations. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The target population for the study was 15 secondary schools, 15 Curriculum Support Officers (CSOs), 128 teachers, 15 principals, 15 chairmen of School Management Boards (CSMBs), and 925 Form four students. Random sampling was used to select 150 students and 45 teachers. Census sample of 15 Principals, Five CSOs. The total sample size was 230. This corresponded to a confidence interval of .05 and a confidence level of 95%, corresponding to a z-score of 1.96 and a standard deviation (SD) of .5. The study findings revealed that resources and institutionalization play a key role in the influence of transition rates of students. Also, the study concluded that the categorization of schools threatens the transition rates. The study suggested adequate capitation to schools be provided by the government regular in-service courses for teachers be held. The study also suggested staffing schools with adequate teachers. The study further recommended that stakeholders be sensitized to providing adequate infrastructure and instructional materials.

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