
The new DIN (‘Deutsche Industrie-Norm’) 6875-1, which is currently being finalised, deals with quality assurance (QA) criteria and tests methods for linear accelerator and Gamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgery/radiotherapy including treatment planning, stereotactic frame and stereotactic imaging and a system test to check the whole chain of uncertainties. Our existing QA program, based on dedicated phantoms and test procedures, has been refined to fulfill the demands of this new DIN. The radiological and mechanical isocentre corresponded within 0.2 mm and the measured 50% isodose lines were in agreement with the calculated ones within less than 0.5 mm. The measured absorbed dose was within 3%. The resultant output factors measured for the 14-, 8- and 4-mm collimator helmet were 0.9870 ± 0.0086, 0.9578 ± 0.0057 and 0.8741 ± 0.0202, respectively. For 170 consecutive tests, the mean geometrical accuracy was 0.48 ± 0.23 mm. Besides QA phantoms and analysis software developed in-house, the use of commercially available tools facilitated the QA according to the DIN 6875-1 with which our results complied.

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