
This paper starts by describing the importance of ‘Architecture’ to our society to our everyday life. It dominates our living environment, inevitably forms visual memories of life experience. Undoubtedly, a building is a ‘container’ to hold one’s everyday living, the grouping of architecture an urban environment is a ‘container.’ It is to hold one’s entire life. If then, there is paramount importance in realizing how we should properly educate our future ‘architects.’ First, it is important that the essential of architecture education must be based on proper ‘Design Studio’ format. Much of reasons are self described by following quotes such as ‘like art, architecture cannot be taught, but it can and should be cultivated,’ ‘Essentials of architecture can be learned through actual doing,’ ‘architecture education is most perfect liberal arts education format invented.’ Secondly, it is important to realize the vast meaning of architecture and architect to our society. Luckily, there is the Charter for UNESCO/UIA for Architectural Education which serves as not only a fundamental background to this discussion but also as ‘prior principle’ in articulating proper education for architects. Thirdly, considering the Charter as a principle, then it is worth discussing actual methodology as a working system in delivering ‘accredited/validated education.’ The KAAB’s Conditions is compared with the Charter. For an indepth look into the most important set of Conditions of the KAAB the Student Performance Criteria, the paper describes the origin, historic background, and evolvement of the ‘Student Performance Criteria,’ which is borne by the NAAB in 1980’s. As it weighs much importance of the whole accrediting process, it must be carefully written to reflect society’s needs of an architect. Also, it must not be written too specific nor should include quantitative measure, to avoid all school programs eventually evolve to become uniform without a character. At the same time, it must possess enough specificity to guide panel reviewers in judging competency level of the student learning at the actual site. As a conclusion, there is paramount importance in architecture education. It is the UNESCO/UIA Charter that asks all civilized architectural education to be self-assessed and peerreviewed for continuing improvement. Considering current era, there is no doubt that there are many opportunities waiting ahead among us. Familiarizing and building sympathy to the voice of the ‘Charter for Architectural Education.’ will be the most proper place to start.


  • I would like to start by raising a fundamental question of what we all believe in ‘What Architecture is’

  • What do you remember as your early childhood memories of city-scape scenery where you were growing up? Or time to time, when there was an occasion of family outing to a ‘big place’ at city center day or night, what fragments of scenic views signaled you to realize that you were physically at the middle of that ‘special’ outing? Or throughout one’s life time, when there were chances to travel other parts of the world of renowned places, the scenic impressions large or small took place in our mind as something impossible to erase from our visual memory

  • We all are constantly surrounded by city scape of some sort, which has always been a conglomeration of individual buildings – works of Architecture

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Design Studio in Architecture Education

Stepping in toward our topic today – ‘Architectural Education’ the area that needs to be addressed with what we all deeply believe in. Accredited School’ of Charter for UNESCO/UIA for Architectural Education asks for “studio teaching as major part of the learning”, and it further describes “direct teacher/student dialogue should be the basis of the learning period...” clearly emphasizing the important role of ‘design studio’ in educating architecture. The fact that if a society is permitting architect of certain class as a ‘licensed profession’ to plan, design, and to build, the criteria for qualified education of it should become critical concerns for all For this reason, it is important to note that at ‘General Conditions’ of the Charter for UNESCO/UIA for Architectural Education, it notes the need of pursuing agreeable conditions – across the globe – as the education is critical for the qualified profession as follows: “That the increasing mobility of architects between different countries calls for mutual recognition or validation of individual degrees, diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualification. Educational Program and Resources: It identifies requirements for the resources to run school program such as educational curriculum, selfassessment system, human, physical, financial, and information resources etc

Educational Outcome
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