
The present study was conducted with an objective to assess the quality of sprouted mung beans stored at different temperatures. Mung beans sprouts were processed at laboratory in controlled conditions, packed in LDPE pouches and were stored at summer room temperature (SRT) (30-32°C), winter room temperature (WRT) (15-18°C) and refrigeration temperature (RT) (7°C). Shelf life studies were conducted periodically for physical, chemical and microbiological parameters for 5 days at their respective storage temperatures. During shelf life studies, several changes were observed in sprouted samples of mung beans. There was a significant (p<0.05) increase in shoot length of sprouted mung beans samples stored at SRT followed by WRT and RT. Decrease in moisture content was significantly (p<0.05) more at RT followed by WRT and SRT. Vitamin - C content increased significantly (p<0.05) up to 1st day of storage at SRT and WRT, with decrease thereafter. Whereas at RT significant (p<0.05) increase was observed till 2nd day of storage followed by decrease afterwards. Vitamin - C content retained better at RT (16.6%) followed by WRT (6.3 %), while at SRT loss of 6.9% was observed. Acidity increased significantly at all three storage temperatures followed by subsequent decrease. Microbial count in terms of total plate count, yeast and mold count was comparatively higher at SRT followed by WRT and RT, though within acceptable range, whereas Coliform count was not detected at any stage. Thus it can be concluded that at RT (7°C) within two days of storage, optimal retention of physicochemical and microbiological qualities are achieved.

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