
A field experiment was carried out during the winter season (rabi) of 2010 at Agricultural Research Farm, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, to study, the effect of nutrient-management practices on pro- ductivity, economics and quality of Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj & Cosson] under irrigated condi- tion. Eight treatment combinations, viz. control, N P [75% recommended dose of nitrogen and phosphorus 67.5 30 (RDNP)], N P (100% RDNP), N P (125% RDNP), Azotobacter + phosphate solubilising bacteria (PSB) (AP), 90 40 112.5 50 N P + AP, N P + AP, N P + AP, were laid out in 3 times replicated under randomized block design. Ap- 67.5 30 90 40 112.5 50 plication of 125% RDNP (112.5 kg N and 50 kg P O /ha) being at par with 100% RDNP under conjunctive use of 2 5 Azotobacter and PSB recorded the maximum growth parameters, viz. plant height (177.3 cm), dry-matter accumu- lation (64.3 g/plant), primary branches/plant (7.67), secondary branches/plant (6.73) and yield attributes, viz. siliquae/plant (140.7), length of siliqua (4.78 cm), seeds/siliqua (12.12) and 1000-seed weight (4.89 g) resulted in 89 and 17.8% higher seed yield (1.72 t/ha) over the control (no NP) and 100% RDNP alone, respectively. How- ever, application of 100% RDNP (90 kg N and 40 kg P O /ha) along with dual inoculation of Azotobacter and PSB 2 5 besides improving quality as well as oil content of Indian mustard (cv. Ashirwad) under irrigated condition, also registered maximum benefit: cost ratio (1.79).

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