
Objective: The purpose of this research was to determine the level of knowledge, beliefs, perception, and practices associated with consuming electronic cigarettes among university students. Materials and methods: A qualitative study of phenomenological type and from primary sources was carried out in the period of May-August of the year 2019 at the private university Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) and the public university Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), Santiago campus, Dominican Republic. The data collection method was done through interviews, which the interviewers recorded. Each student interviewed signed an informed consent certifying that they answered voluntarily each question asked by the interviewer. The sample consisted of 53 interviews, 48 individuals, and five focus groups. Interviews were done until reaching the saturation point of each question, which is when all the answers became repetitive. Results: University students’ knowledge regarding electronic cigarettes (EC) is poor. Knowledge regarding its mechanism, parts, substances, and possible complications to one’s health, is scarce both in PUCMM and the UASD, but this is more notable at the public university. Additionally, many perceive EC as an alternative to tobacco use, the former, as per our study population, having a variety of flavors, a pleasant smell, being attractive, practical, and capable of offering relaxation. Regarding the attitude towards the device, PUCMM exhibits a higher level of rejection regarding its use. It is essential to mention that most interviewees were once users of EC. However, they do not recommend it to a great extent since they assume that it can cause harm and be addictive, although to a lesser extent than conventional cigarettes. The population most susceptible to its use are young people, including minors and the male gender, although females have been significantly increasing its use. Similarly, it was possible to appreciate the influences that greatly evoke the younger population’s consumption, including social networks, family, friends, and the surrounding environment. Conclusion: We concluded that university students have insufficient knowledge regarding electronic cigarettes, both in their mechanism, substances, and health complications. Most see electronic cigarettes as smoking devices with a pleasant smell, which can be very attractive to users. It was possible to observe the critical role played by social influences on the use of the device, promoted by social networks and close relationships. Another problem in current society is the use of CE in minors. According to the results, there is a great need for intervention and education, mainly among the younger generation.

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