
Extreme weather events have caused havoc to lives and properties in recent years. Research and development have also been focused on these global phenomena. The situation is getting alarmed in Nigeria. The aim of the paper is to study incidences of floods in Nigerian cities and towns. Topographical Maps of 25 cities and towns were studied. Floods, drainage channels, runoffs and effects of human activities on floods were observed and studied. Interviews were conducted with 20 professionals, urban dwellers and twenty Local Government Chairmen of the cities and towns. There was a questionnaire that was administered among 2,000 urbanites. It collected data about the frequency, sizes and havocs caused by floods. Some of the cities particularly Lagos, Warri and Port-Harcourt are under the sea level with average gradient of less than 1:100,000. Run-offs are increasing in volume and areas of coverage but relatively drainage channels are inadequate; and they have been blocked through the adverse living habits of the urban dwellers. Waste waters are contributing as base water to rain water in the drainage channels. These result in grievous consequences of flood. All forms of transportation are affected each time it comes; lives, farm lands and properties are lost; and economic activities are grounded. Human factors are predominantly the cause. More attention has to be paid to urban physical planning.

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