
A prosperous family refers to a situation in which a family has adequate access to the physical, economic, social and health resources needed to meet basic needs and improve the quality of life. This article discusses the findings from qualitative data on the new normal life among Malaysians after the COVID-19 pandemic. The methodology used is in line with the objective of building a New Norm Life Model after the COVID-19 pandemic. Round table discussion which involved representatives from several ministries like Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology and Innovation, the Ministry of Education Malaysia, the Ministry of Digital Communications Malaysia, the Ministry of Finance Malaysia, and the Ministry of Health Malaysia. As a result, the government can come out with a better strategy and respond to future public health threats by streamlining physical and digital infrastructure and an adequate and efficient workforce. The government plays a significant role in creating an environment that supports the creation of a prosperous family through policies, social programs, and community empowerment.

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