
Objective This study examined the perceived differences in benefits and challenges relating to fruit versus vegetable consumption among a purposive, convenience sample of Canadian women. Design This inductive, qualitative study involved 8 semi-structured group interviews conducted by an experienced moderator. Settings Interviews were conducted at public health units in southern Ontario. Participants Forty-seven women, aged 20 to 44 years, were recruited through existing community programs and newspaper advertisements. Analysis The constant comparison method of data analysis was used to identify overarching themes. Results Five themes were identified: (1) fruits “fill the gap between meals” (the main benefit); (2) concern about “pesticides and parasites and bacteria”; and (3) “How can something look so good and have no taste?” (main challenges of eating fruit); (4) vegetables make meals “appealing” (main benefit); and (5) the “social” dimension of eating vegetables (main challenge). Conclusions and Implications Participants readily described different benefits and challenges relating to consumption of fruits versus vegetables. Tailored nutrition messages addressing perceived differences in the benefits and challenges for eating fruits versus vegetables may be needed to encourage increased consumption of these foods. Further research can determine whether these perceptions are widely held.

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