
Parameter estimation using observables is a fundamental concept in the experimental sciences. Mathematical models that represent the physical processes can enable reconstructions of the experimental observables and greatly assist in parameter estimation by turning it into an optimization problem which can be solved by gradient-free or gradient-based methods. In this work, the recent rise in flexible frameworks for developing differentiable scientific computing programs is leveraged in order to dramatically accelerate data analysis of a common experimental diagnostic relevant to laser–plasma and inertial fusion experiments, Thomson scattering. A differentiable Thomson-scattering data analysis tool is developed that uses reverse-mode automatic differentiation (AD) to calculate gradients. By switching from finite differencing to reverse-mode AD, three distinct outcomes are achieved. First, gradient descent is accelerated dramatically to the extent that it enables near real-time usage in laser–plasma experiments. Second, qualitatively novel quantities which require O(103) parameters can now be included in the analysis of data which enables unprecedented measurements of small-scale laser–plasma phenomena. Third, uncertainty estimation approaches that leverage the value of the Hessian become accurate and efficient because reverse-mode AD can be used for calculating the Hessian.

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