
The Bolivian Quaker community is diverse in different aspects, although all the yearly meetings are programmed evangelical Friends churches. This community is one of the largest ones among Quakers in the world. First, its beginning had a landmark to make each yearly meeting unique. Almost a century ago, each Bolivian yearly meeting was started in a different place in the same state and by the Quaker missionaries who came to Bolivia from various US states. Second, the Bolivian culture shaped each yearly meeting to be more liberal, and conservative regarding the Quaker theology and worship. Some of these yearly meetings had successful growth as churches, but the others have barely kept their member numbers. Third, spirituality rather than religiosity has influenced planting churches for each yearly meeting. How the Bolivian Quaker leaders were raised spirituality in their yearly meeting helped to carry on the ministry of the Lord. Some leaders feared the Lord as they shepherded the people of God, so their lives spoke to other young and adult Quakers as they grew in faith and in knowledge of God. Therefore, it would seem Friends in Bolivia live in a different country because of their yearly meetings’ characteristics.

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