
ABSTRACT Research on the interaction between people management and sustainability in Brazil is recent, although it corresponds to a growing movement. The present study aimed to investigate which human resources policies and practices are most commonly used in Brazilian companies that stand out in ESG (environmental, social and governance) terms, and to find out, among these policies and practices, which would contribute the most to ESG ratings. For this purpose, the 106 Brazilian companies available in the Refinitiv ESG scores system were analyzed for the period from 2015 to 2019, considering the metrics for the category workforce (social dimension). Results showed that most ESG top-tier companies have already incorporated several workforce-related policies; however, the practice still lags behind the policy. Additionally, some metrics were identified as opportunities for improvement, such as the implementation of certain practices regarding the supply chain, the existence of a team focused on health and safety, and the implementation of training and development, as well as diversity and opportunity policies.

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