
We have studied quadrupole ordering and rattling in clathrate compound Pr3Pd20Ge6 using ultrasonic measurements. The softening were observed in temperature dependence of elastic constants C11, (C11 - C12)/2 and C44. The C11 and (C11 - C12)/2 show minimums at 250 mK indicating a transition point to an antiferroquadrupole ordered phase due to a Γ3 doublet ground state at 8c site. Furthermore, the C11, (C11 - C12)/2 and C44 exhibit discontinuitive anomalies at 60 mK revealing a ferroquadrupole ordering due to a Γ5 triplet ground state at 4a site. Two distinctive ultrasonic dispersions caused by thermally activated Γ5-type rattling were observed in C44 around 15 K and 25 K.

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