
We address a problem of stochastic optimal control drawn from the area of mathematical finance. The goal is to minimize the expected value of a general quadratic loss function of the wealth at close of trade when there is a specified convex constraint on the portfolio over the trading interval, together with a specified almost-sure lower-bound on the wealth at close of trade. We use a variational approach of Rockafellar which leads naturally to an appropriate vector space of dual variables, a dual functional on the space of dual variables such that the dual problem of maximizing the dual functional is guaranteed to have a solution (i.e. a Lagrange multiplier) when a simple and natural Slater condition holds for the terminal wealth constraint, and obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality of a candidate wealth process. The dual variables are pairs, each comprising an Ito process paired with a member of the adjoint of the space of essentially bounded random variables measurable with respect to the event $$\sigma $$ -algebra at close of trade. The necessary and sufficient conditions are used to construct an optimal portfolio in terms of the Lagrange multiplier. The dual problem simplifies to maximization of a concave function over the real line when the portfolio is unconstrained but the terminal wealth constraint is maintained.

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