
The inherent qualities of carbon nanosheets that come from their underlying molecular structure have drawn an enormous amount of interest from researchers. Molecular descriptors are commonly used graph-theoretic metrics to analyze the physicochemical properties of a molecule based on its molecular structure. Our current research validates the use of molecular descriptors in studying three recently developed carbon allotropes: pentagraphene, phagraphene, and phographene. These allotropes have significant thermal, dynamic, and mechanical stabilities that are comparable to graphene. General analytical expressions for both degree and neighborhood degree sum-based indices of these nanosheets are derived through the utilization of graph theoretical methods. Following a filtering process of the significant indices, regression models that accurately predict atomic density, specific heat capacity and total π-electron energy of carbon allotropes are developed. Additionally, Shannon entropy is introduced as an information index, which can be utilized for predictive studies in the future and as a tool for comparing structural complexity by incorporating topological index in its definition.

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