
In this paper, we present a support method of economic learning system based on qualitative simulation. We employ qualitative simulations because this lets the learners can understand the conceptual principles in economic dynamics. In existing learning system with qualitative simulation, users are not supported effectively in building qualitative simulation model. To solve the problem, we propose a support process and methods based on users condition. In our system, users conditions are classified into 4 phases. Based on the phases, our system helps users make qualitative simulation model step by step. Furthermore, our system supports users through making partial-adjacent relationships/graph model and supports users displaying errors about inconsistency and incorrect rule when there are inconsistency and mistaken relationship in the graph model made by users. The work focuses on interactively helping a learner to develop a qualitative model of an economic system as a teaching tool. The system has three key advantages. (1) Our system supports users’ learning based on condition and process in which users make simulation models. (2) Users can make qualitative simulation model without their confusion because it is easy for users to make the model with consistency, propriety and adequacy using our system. (3) Users can make qualitative simulation model effectively because users can understand the detail and all over the model using our support system. The contributions of this paper are mainly showing the support process and support method in building qualitative simulation model.

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