
The QPC-TDSE program serves as a general tool to study laser-driven dynamics of electrons in ideal isolated atoms and molecules by solving the full-dimensional non-relativistic time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) within single-active-electron approximation. It expands the full-dimensional electronic wavefunction in spherical coordinates by spherical harmonics and B-spline functions and employs a set of parallel Crank-Nicolson propagators combined with split-operator techniques to evolve the wavefunction in time, which support centrifugal and multi-polar static potentials to treat atomic and molecular scenarios and accepts arbitrary combinations of linearly or elliptically polarized lasers within the dipole approximation. The program is capable of extracting the photo-electron momentum distribution via t-SURFF approach or projection onto either the exact scattering states or the planewaves. Its applications in different scenarios are given as examples, e.g., above threshold ionization, attosecond clock, higher-order harmonic generation. Program summaryProgram Title: QPC-TDSECPC Library link to program files:https://doi.org/10.17632/xjm3kfgv75.1Licensing provisions: GPLv3Programming language: C++External libraries: HDF5, GSL, MKLNature of problem: Numerical solution of TDSE and extraction of various types of electron spectrum.Solution method: The electronic wavefunction is expanded by B-spline functions and spherical harmonics whose range is chosen elaborately to reduce the total number of partial waves for non-linearly polarized lasers. The Crank-Nicolson approach combined with an operator-splitting scheme is used to propagate the wavefunction in time, either in velocity gauge or length gauge. Matrix inversions are solved via either dense or sparse linear algebra solvers according to their structures. The t-SURFF method and projections onto either the scattering states or planewaves are provided for the accurate extraction of the momentum distributions.Additional comments including restrictions and unusual features: Only lasers within dipole approximation are supported. For the multi-polar potentials, only pure Coulombic ones are supported. Routines for solving exact scattering states have only been implemented for centrifugal potentials. The codes are written in C++17 and can only be compiled on the platforms that support the avx instruction sets. An extension for the propagation algorithm using the avx-512 intrinsics is provided as optional.

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