
Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) is an integral part of Internet of Things (IoT) application network. Cost-effective WSN routing will help IoT applications to offer faster services in an efficient way. Routing in WSN is one of the challenging task due to node mobility and need on small battery to ruins active in the network. Flat routing shows poor performance for WSN if number of node increase. Cluster based routing is the alternative that is scalable and shows better utilization of network resources. The data transmission cost will be more,if the sender nodes send data directly to sink node due to large distance of data transmission and the node battery power dry very soon. To overcome this problem data packets send from sender node to sink node via cluster head node. The member nodes of a cluster send data packets to its header node,then the header node send the data packets to sink node. In our proposed method, the fuzzy inference system uses three Quality of Service (QoS) parameters distance, energy and angle to select the chance of a node becomes cluster head. Iterative Deepening A*(IDA*) search used to discover the shortest route that send data packets from supply node to the sink node. The fuzzy system is used to select the cluster head and IDA* search algorithm used to select the minimal cost path. The proposed method - Cost Effective Routing in WSN Using Fuzzy IDA*(CERWFI) is used to find an optimal route from starting node to ending node (sink). The research concludes by stating that space complexity of Dijkstra's and A* algorithm can be improved by IDA* algorithm.

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