
Abstract BACKGROUND Most patients with PLGG will survive, but long-lasting functional & Quality of Life (QOL) impairments can occur. No PLGG survivorship research has yet included individual survivor narratives. The true impact of the tumour & its treatment on lived experiences from the survivor perspective remains to be explored. AIMS To evaluate PLGG survivor narratives across a heterogeneous group of adult survivors atleast 5 years from PLGG treatment. METHODS An interview guide was created comprising topics around survivors’ past and present experiences and hopes for the future. Open-ended semi-structured interviews were completed with adult survivors diagnosed with PLGG at Great Ormond Street Hospital, UK, 1980-2005. Video interviews were completed on zoom with the same interviewer, and recordings dictated verbatim to transcripts for Framework Analysis(FA). The codebook for analysis was created according to prior literature & themes emerging within and across the transcripts. RESULTS 10 of 26 (38%) eligible survivors (median age 21.5yrs) completed interviews 28-73 minutes long. Median duration 12 years from diagnosis (9-18yrs). FA comprised 18 codes categorised into 4 major themes: The Self, The Social World, Experiences Of A PLGG, & Survivorship. Interviews allowed novel identification that seizures universally contributed long-lasting trauma and mental health disturbance. They also demonstrated that personality, adaptation to a new normal, and both the social & practical support received significantly influenced the impact of objective functional deficits on perceived QOL.All 10 survivors directly reported considering themselves to continue to be functionally affected by their PLGG as an adult. CONCLUSIONS We provide novel first-hand accounts of adult PLGG survivors, representing an important first-attempt at incorporating the survivor narrative and lived experiences as a core component of the evaluation of PLGG survivor outcomes. The narrative accounts allowed us to gain a more in-depth understanding of life for PLGG survivors; and allowed identification of new themes and topics not identified by PedsQl or similar quantitative QOL instruments.

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