
Pre-caching popular videos at base stations (BSs) is a cost-effective way to significantly alleviate the backhaul pressure. With the video caching, the cache placement and the transmission strategy are intertwined with each other and jointly affect the system performance. Furthermore, the cache placement is updated in a much longer timescale than the transmission strategy. In this paper, the long-term transmission-aware cache placement and the short-term transmission strategy are designed to enhance the quality of experience (QoE) for the video streaming in cloud radio access networks (cloud-RANs). Specifically, consider a cache-enabled cloud-RAN, video contents are cached at BSs, and user requests are cooperatively satisfied by multiple BSs via the cooperative beamforming. To improve the weighted sum of users’ QoE, the long-term transmission-aware caching problem in the caching stage and the short-term transmission problem in the delivery stage are respectively formulated, taking into account the backhaul capacity constraint, the transmission power constraint, and the storage size constraint. For the caching problem, the sample average approach is first used to approximate the long-term average QoE value. Then, cache placement strategies are devised in both centralized and distributed manner. For the transmission problem, the full-cooperative beamforming scheme is studied with the optimized cache placement, and an iterative algorithm is proposed. Simulation results show that our proposed transmission-aware cache placement and transmission strategies can achieve higher QoE performance than other cache placement and transmission strategies.

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