
MTS MA’ arif Walisongo 2 is the only non-formal educational institution in Krandegan hamlet, Sukomakmur Village, Kajoran sub-district, Magelang district. This institution is the center of a school teaching reading the Qur’an from an early age in the hamlet. However, there are deficiencies at the school, namely, not many students from the MTS MA’arif Walisongo 2 have entered the Qiro’ah field. The students all read the Qur’an in the usual tone and trauma. This activity aims to provide students with understanding and learning to read the Qur’an by applying the Qiro’ah rules. In this activity, the servant meets the students face to face. The result of this dedication is an increase in reading the Qur’an properly and correctly, supported by an understanding of the Qur’an Science material. The approach method is the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) method, which focuses on asset development.

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