
It is possible to use QGP hydrodynamic state equivalents of blackhole centers as energy sources based on vacuum vector potential with charged quantum mechanical sources through inputs from extra dimension compact space fields. The space like regions are entangled with time like regions, as possibly a gravity interpretation of quantum state of superposition in extra dimension of compact space energy field, viewed in a gauge theory/gravity duality context. The QGP Hydrodynamic effects can cause temporal entanglement entropy which can be lost to 4-D vacuum space, quantum mechanically. The AdS/CFT correspondence as a familiar case of holographic principle can cause threshold thermal phase transitions as nuclear matter and radiation dense domains based on quantum state decoherence and information loss. The AdS space time could be decoupled at blackhole centers as entropy is transferred from interiors due to QGP hydrodynamic state. The Hawking radiation represents decay process and loss which indicates possibilities for tapping energy from vacuum, based on QGP fluids.

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