
Branching fractions and CP-violating asymmetries of charmless $\bar B_s\to PP, VP, VV$ decays (P and V denoting pseudoscalar and vector mesons, respectively) are re-examined in the framework of QCD factorization (QCDF). We take into account subleading power corrections to the penguin annihilation topology and to color-suppressed tree amplitudes that are crucial for resolving the CP puzzles and rate deficit problems with penguin-dominated two-body decays and color-suppressed tree-dominated $\pi^0\pi^0$ and $\rho^0\pi^0$ modes in the $B_{u,d}$ sector. Many of the $B_s\to h_1h_2$ decays can be related to $B_d\to h_1h_2$ ones via U-spin or SU(3) symmetry. Some useful model-independent relations can be derived and tested. Mixing-induced CP asymmetries for many of the penguin-dominated decays are predicted to be very small in the standard model. They are sensitive to New Physics and offer rich possibilities of new discoveries. Measurements of direct CP-violating asymmetries can be used to discriminate QCDF from other competing approaches such as pQCD and soft-collinear effective theory.

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