
Q-LET is a FORTRAN 77 code that enables a quick estimate of thegravitational lensing effects on a point- or an extended source.The user-provided input consists of redshifts, angularpositions relative to the source, mass or velocity dispersionestimates and halo types for the lens galaxies. The consideredhalo types are the Navarro–Frenk–White and the singularisothermal sphere. The code uses the so-called multiplelens-plane method to find the magnification and intrinsic shapeof the source. This method takes into account the multipledeflections that may arise when several mass accumulations aresituated at different redshifts close to the line-of-sight.The Q-LET code is applied to the recently discoveredsupernova, SN2003es, which is likely to be of type Ia asits host galaxy is classified as an elliptical. We find thatSN2003es is likely to have been significantly magnified bygravitational lensing, and that this should be considered inhigh-z studies if this SN is to be used to determine cosmological parameters.Q-LET was motivated by the supernova searches, where lensing canbe a problem, but it can also be applied to any simple lenssystem where a quick estimate is wanted, e.g. the single lenscase.

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