
The Q fever is a zoonotic disease neglected in many countries all over the world. This zoonosis is caused by the bacteria Coxiella burnetii, a pathogen that presents stability and environmental resistance with high capacity to cause human infection, which could be fatal. This literature review study aims to describe the general aspects of Q fever, presenting the main cases occurred in Brazil and discussing ways to avoid this zoonosis negligence and underreporting in Brazil. The Q fever is still a disease unknown by the larger part of healthcare professionals in Brazil. In addition, the disease in humans presents a clinical picture similar to that of other acute feverish diseases. Therefore, cases of Q fever cannot be diagnosed and their treatment can be erroneous, which can increase the chances of chronic Q fever occurrence. The inclusion of Q fever as a disease of mandatory notification in humans and the utilization of the "One Health" approach are essential for the confrontation of the disease. Moreover, measures for the control, investigation, and prevention of Q fever will contribute to avoid the occurrence of outbreaks and possible worsening resulting from this zoonosis.

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