
We study the existence and stability of Q-balls in noncanonical scalar field theories, $K(|\Phi|^2,X)$ where $\Phi$ is the complex scalar field and $X$ is the kinetic term. We extend the Vakhitov-Kolokolov stability criterion to K-field theories. We derive the condition for the perturbations to have a well-posed Cauchy problem. We find that $K_{,X}>0$ and $K_{,X}+XK_{,XX}>0$ are necessary but not sufficient conditions. The perturbations define a strongly hyperbolic system if $(K_{,X}-2\phi'^2 K_{,XX})(K_{,X}+2\omega^2\phi^2 K_{,XX}) > 0$. For all modifications studied, we found that perturbations propagate at a speed different from light. Generically, the noncanonical scalar field can lower the charge and energy of the Q-ball and therefore improves its stability.

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