
We consider the Pythagoras equation X2 +Y2 = Z2, and for any solution of the type (a,b = 2sb1 ≠0,c) ∈ N*3, s ≥ 2, b1odd, (a,b,c) ≡ (±1,0,1)(mod 4), c > a , c > b, and gcd(a,b,c) = 1, we then prove the Pythagorician divisors Theorem, which results in the following: , where (d,d′′) (resp. (e,en)) are unique particular divisors of a and b, such that a = dd′′ (resp. b = ee′′ ), these divisors are called: Pythagorician divisors from a, (resp. from b). Let’s put λ ∈{0,1}, defined by: and S = s -λ (s -1). Then such that . Moreover the map is a bijection. We apply this new tool to obtain a new classification of the primitive, positive and non-trivial solutions of the Pythagoras equations: a2 + b2 = c2 via the Pythagorician parameters (d,e,S ). We obtain for (d, e) fixed, the equivalence class of any Pythagorician solution (a,b,c), checking , namely: . We also update the solutions of some Diophantine equations of degree 2, already known, but very important for the resolution of other equations. With this tool of Pythagorean divisors, we have obtained (in another paper) new recurrent methods to solve Fermat’s equation: a4 + b4 = c4, other than usual infinite descent method; and to solve congruent numbers problem. We believe that this tool can bring new arguments, for Diophantine resolution, of the general equations of Fermat: a2p + b2p = c2p and ap + bp = cp. MSC2020-Mathematical Sciences Classification System: 11A05-11A51-11D25-11D41-11D72.

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