
According to Donders, in expiration the nasal cavity. 50_??_60 percent of the amount of moisture remains in the air-passage. There are no explan-ations on the distinct mechanism how expiratory moisture decreases.According to my presumption, the phenomenon might be attributed to contact with inspira.ion and the secretions when the air goes through the nasal cavity, and calculated the temperature and humidity in the nasal and nasopharyngeal cavity.(1) t1 =36-C, H1=0.0471 (temperature and hu-midity of expiration in the moains nasopharyngeus)(2) T1=25-C (temperature of the remaineing moisture in the nasal Cavity before inspiration) T2=30-C (temperature after inspiration)(3) L=0.232=10-2kg-mo1H2O/hr (The remained moistme im the nasal cavity)(4) G= 1.45 ×10-2kg-molgas/hr. (the expiratory-volume contact with remained air) As the result of these calculations, the state-of decreasing moisture is H'-H'2=0.003kg-malH2O/kg-mldrygas.Now, exchanging this value for the volumetric percantage, it is concluded that about 0.64 percent of expiratoy moisture remained in the nasal cavity.

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