
Montair and Belgoprocess developed the pilot PRIME (Pyrolysis Resins In Mobile Electric) Installation for treatment of spent resins in one single reactor without pre-treatment and without intermixing of other waste, allowing for easy traceability and isotopic characterization of the end product. Both low level waste (LLW, < 2 mSv/h) and medium level waste (MLW, > 2 mSv/h) can be treated in the installation. The PRIME pilot installation is designed to treat 2 batches of 100 litre of saturated ion exchange resins over a period of 24 hours. The pyrolysis reactor contains a special design mechanical stirrer and can operate at a temperature of up to 600°C under inert conditions. As a result, the organic molecules will decompose at an accelerated rate until only carbon-rich and mineralised product free of hydrocarbons remains. Gases that are released during drying and pyrolysis are treated in a thermal oxidizer, which uses an innovative, electrically heated design instead of a traditional natural gas- or fuel oil secondary combustion chamber design. After passing through the thermal oxidizer, the gases are cooled down to saturation temperature and treated in the wet scrubbing system. An induced draft fan keeps the system under negative pressure to prevent the possibility of any off-gas leakage out of the system. The pyrolysing reactor and oxidiser are fully electrically powered which creates also a higher safety level. A series of tests were performed successfully with wet cationic resins, anionic resins and a mixture of both. The results of these tests are described in the presentation. For intellectual property protection, the system and process of pyrolysis of organic waste and the system of thermal oxidation of pyrolysis gases described in this paper are patent pending.

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