
Tooth whitening has recently become one of the most popular aesthetic dentistry procedures. Beyond classic hydrogen peroxide-based whitening agents, photo-catalysts and piezo-catalysts have been demonstrated for non-destructive on-demand tooth whitening. However, their usage has been challenged due to the relatively limited physical stimuli of light irradiation and ultrasonic mechanical vibration. To address this challenge, we report here a non-destructive and convenient tooth whitening strategy based on the pyro-catalysis effect, realized via ubiquitous oral motion-induced temperature fluctuations. Degradation of organic dyes via pyro-catalysis is performed under cooling/heating cycling to simulate natural temperature fluctuations associated with intake and speech. Teeth stained by habitual beverages and flavorings can be whitened by the pyroelectric particles-embedded hydrogel under a small surrounding temperature fluctuation. Furthermore, the pyro-catalysis-based tooth whitening procedure exhibits a therapeutic biosafety and sustainability. In view of the exemplary demonstration, the most prevalent oral temperature fluctuation will enable the pyro-catalysis-based tooth whitening strategy to have tremendous potential for practical applications.

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