
We report on a male infant with pyridoxine dependency and seizures from birth, controlled with pharmacological doses of pyridoxine at 4 months of age. Seizures stopped between 30 and 80 days of age when very-low doses of pyridoxine were given in a multivitamin supplement. Daily dose was 0.5 mg that corresponded to 0.08 to 0.16 mg/kg/day when weight gain is considered. In previous reports doses have ranged from 0.2 to 30 mg/kg/day. Another distinctive feature was that this infant went into a coma and developed hypotonia and irregular breathing when pyridoxine was given by enteral tube which has usually been reported when the vitamin is given intravenously. Use of low doses of pyridoxine in multivitamin supplements could be a confounding factor for early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of pyridoxine-dependent seizures.

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